In addition to any paid outplacement services your company may offer, your employees can also access the wide array of NOVAworks outplacement services and retraining opportunities. All services are available at no cost and with no time constraints, including up to one year following re-employment.
NOVAworks' current list of complementary services:
1:1 Career Advising (in-person & remote)
Resume Writing Assistance
Job-Search Plan Development
Online Job-Search Tools & Resources
Career Assessment & Exploration
Interview Preparation & Mock Interview Practice
20+ Specialized Workshops
Mature Worker Services (age 50+)
LinkedIn Profile Development/Review
Using LinkedIn for Job-Search
Networking Events
Employer & Industry Events
Local Industry Trends
Online Training Licenses
Funding for Skills Training
NOVAworks Job Board
Contact NOVAworks for assistance or to learn more about how we can meet your needs.
Email: business@novaworks.org
Phone: 408-730-7232